Last Updated: 19 Sep 2023

Newslypaper, also referred to as Newsly (“We”), values your privacy. We have implemented policies and processes to responsibly handle the information we collect from visitors (“you”) to our website. This Privacy Policy, which applies to (the “Website”), outlines our privacy practices. Please note that our Terms of Use also govern the use of this website.

This Policy outlines:

  1. Is the information gathered from children by Newsly?
  2. What specific personally identifiable data does Newsly gather?
  3. Does Newsly acquire anonymous data from users of its website?
  4. Does Newsly share information with third parties?
  5. How can I change my communication preferences or modify the information that Newsly possesses about me?
  6. Are there any additional details regarding Newsly’s data handling practices I should be aware of?
  7. How can I get in touch with Newsly?
  8. How can I choose not to be tracked?

1. Children’s Information

Newsly is intended for general patrons and is not designed for children under 13. We do not intentionally gather personal information from individuals under 13. To adhere to the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), we request that if you are under 13 years old, you do not provide us with any personally identifiable information. We strongly encourage parents and guardians to oversee their children’s online activities.

2. Collection and Use of Personally Identifiable Information

The website solely gathers personally identifiable information that you furnish to us. Personally identifiable information encompasses details like your name, postal address, email address, or phone number. If you wish to learn more about how to update or request the removal of your personally identifiable information, please contact us via email at

Requests for Service

When a visitor requests information or a service from us, we ask for specific details to help us fulfill their request. These details may encompass contact information like their name, mailing address, email address, and financial information if relevant.

Newsletter Subscription

If a visitor wants to subscribe to our e-newsletter, we gather registration details, including the visitor’s name and email address. Occasionally, we send email messages to those who have subscribed, informing them about website features, events, promotions, donation requests, sponsored emails from external organizations, or other potentially relevant information. You can modify your email preferences or opt out of receiving email communications at any time. (please see the “Communications Preferences and Personal Information” section below).

3. Information Collection and Use – Anonymous or Aggregate Data


Our web server collects information from your computer each time you visit our website, including your domain name, Internet protocol (IP) address, referral data (such as your visited URL before landing on our website), platform type, and browser type. We keep this data in user files, log files, or cookies. A profile comprises data on specific users that describes their viewing preferences. This log data is automatically combined with data that users have submitted. We maintain data copies in a safe data environment to examine them and enhance our reader services. Newsly may use profile information to direct particular sorts of information to visitors, make site content more relevant or individualized for visitors, or give promotions to users. We might give third parties access to aggregate profile data (without personally identifying information).


A cookie is a small data file that stores information about a website visitor. We use two types of cookies: session ID cookies, which expire when the visitor closes their browser, and persistent cookies, which stay on the visitor’s computer longer. Persistent cookies help us track and cater to visitor’s interests. It helps us to enhance visitor’s experience on our site.

We also utilize cookies to count website visitors and differentiate between repeat and new visitors. Visitors can delete persistent cookies by following their browser’s instructions. Upon declining cookies by visitors, our site’s part that relies on cookies may not work as well or may be slower.

We or our data providers may place a unique cookie on your browser to provide customized ads, content, or services, but these cookies do not contain personally identifiable information. They may include de-identified demographic data linked to your given information, like your email address (in a scribbled form). To learn more, contact us at

In addition, our emails may contain a “web beacon” code that lets us know when and if a user opens an email and clicks on a link in it. These web beacons collect no personal information. Users can turn off images in email clients such as Outlook Express Outlook to disable them. For more details, refer to your email client.

Log Files

Similar to many other websites, we employ log files to monitor how visitors interact with our site. These log files contain data such as browser types, IP addresses, Internet service providers, pages visitors came from and left to, the type of device or platform used, date and time of access, and the number of clicks. We utilize this data to study patterns, manage the website, analyze how visitors navigate the site in a general sense, and collect overall demographic statistics and information.

Clear Gifs (Web Beacons/Web Bugs)

We might utilize software technology such as “clear gifs,” also popular as “web bugs” or “web beacons.” These clear gifs assist us in improving the management of content on our website by providing insights into our most effective and popular content. Clear gifs are minuscule graphics with a unique identifier, and they monitor the website visitor’s online activities. These gifs are not visible on the websites and are in the size of the period at the sentence’s end. It’s important to note that clear gifs are not linked with visitors’ personal information.

4. Information Disclosure to Third-Parties

We only share information about you following the details outlined in this policy.

Legal Requirements

We might be obligated to reveal data and information gathered from you under certain circumstances, such as when it’s mandated by law if the disclosure is required to adhere to a court order, legal procedure, or a judicial request. We may also examine your data and information to enforce our Terms of Use, to uphold and safeguard our legal rights, to safeguard our and other’s interests against legal violations, or to avert individual or property damage.

Non-Personal Aggregate Information

We might provide summarized demographic information and data to third parties, including entities that offer funding, charitable contributors, or partners with our marketing partners.

Service Providers

We share user’s personal information with service providers only when necessary. This includes companies responsible for tasks like managing our website, maintaining our computer systems, and handling our postal mail, requiring the relevant data and information to carry out duties. Similarly, companies managing our website’s features or providing logistical services may also obtain visitor’s data and information to fulfill their responsibilities on our behalf.

Business Transitions

We may transfer your anonymized data and personal information during a business transition. For instance, we may transfer all the data when another entity acquires Newsly, when Newsly merges with other companies, or when Newsly sells some parts of the assets. 

Public Postings

We offer different platforms where visitors can put forward their views and opinions, but they must follow our Terms of Use. All the content submitted in the forums is made accessible publicly.  This includes letters to the editor, messages to Newsly’s admins, and online statements in comment sections or discussion forums. They can be accessed publicly and credited to you at the discretion of Newsly. It’s important to exercise caution and avoid posting anything you wouldn’t want to share publicly, such as personal details of your contact or any other sensitive information. The publicly accessible data and information on our website can be downloaded by other visitors, and Newsly doesn’t have any control over the other visitors accessing these data and the way they use it.  

Surveys & Polls

Periodically, we carry out polls and surveys; your participation in them is optional. Any collected non-personal demographic data on surveys or polls will be employed to assess and improve our website. When a survey or poll seeks personal information, that information will only be used for the stated purpose during the data collection period.

Google Analytics Demographics and Interest Reporting

We employ Google Advertising cookies and Google Analytics usage alongside anonymous identifiers to collect your information and information regarding your visits. This data does not include our personal identification, including your general and demographic interests. We do not combine personally identifiable and non-personally identifiable information. You can choose not to participate in this type of data collection. 

AdWords Remarketing 

We employ Google AdWords remarketing for displaying ads on third-party sites. Such third parties may include Google and any individuals visiting our website. These ads can appear on various platforms, such as pages on Google search results or Google Display Network sites. To achieve this, third-party providers such as Google utilize cookies for displaying ads considering user’s previous interactions with Newsly. We manage all the collected information adhering to Google’s privacy policy and our own privacy policy.  

Users can customize their preferences on how to see ads by Google. The Google Ad Preference page provides a customization option. Alternatively, you can adjust your cookie setting to only receive advertising based on your interests. 

5. Communications Preferences and Personal Information

Visitors can submit a request to not receive promotional communications in the future if they wish to do so. They may withdraw their subscription by submitting a request on our contact form with a message having the subject line “No promotions.”

6. Other Information


We implement technical, physical, and administrative safeguards for protecting visitors’ data and information against unapproved access or usage. However, it’s essential to recognize that absolute assurance of 100 % security is not viable during any data transmission over the Internet or public networks. 

Links to Third Party Websites

Our website links with different third-party websites. Such sites include the services, products, or features that are relevant to the visitors of Newsly. Additionally, the content generated by the users, including the profile pages or comments, may also include links to different third-party web pages. It’s important to note that Newsly can not be accounted for the privacy policies and security practices of the third-party websites. Also, this policy does not relate to any third-party websites. We urge Newsly visitors to exercise caution upon leaving our website. We also request the users to review the terms of use and privacy policy of any visiting websites.   

Third-Party or Co-branded Features

From time to time, We partner with different services or companies to add exclusive features on Newsly. Since Newsly does not offer such features directly, it is important to note that they are governed by the privacy policies of the involved third parties.   

Notification of Changes

Should we update our Privacy Policy, we will publish any alterations on this webpage. While doing so, we will also modify the “Last Updated” date displayed at this page’s top. We strongly advise all visitors to assess this Policy every time they visit us.

International Users and Jurisdiction

This website is published in the India. All the information collected on this website is liable to the India law. The India law shall govern any disputes, including any issues regarding defamation and privacy. Your visit to this website or any information you provide constitutes your permission to transfer this information to the India from your home country.  

7. Contact Information

Please notify us if you have any questions or concerns regarding this Policy. You can contact us or send your queries to 

8. How to opt out of tracking

We employ third-party tools for collecting information regarding user interactions on our website. You can discover further details about our utilization of these tools in the privacy policy provided above.